Saturday, October 19, 2019

Advertisement Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Advertisement Analysis - Essay Example The changing marketing trend over the past few years depicts that technology has contributed to increasing specificity and message conveyance through advertisements (Stuart 90-103). Advertising generally aims towards conveying the right kind of information to the public about a product at the right time and through the right medium. Pictorial advertisements convey multiple coded messages that forms a part of a brand’s marketing and advertisement strategies. Additionally, evaluation of pictorial advertisements effectively through encoding or decoding as well as sociological perspective of consumption and lifestyle helps in having a logical meaning about the message communicated (Stuart 90-103). Pictorial advertisement is an important mean of communicating information relating to products and/or services offered by an organisation to customers successfully. Pictorial advertisements aid in attracting customers towards products along with a brand. The target market also forms a vital aspect of the market communication process. For instance, advertisement for a sports car will gradually aim towards the younger generation rather than the older generation. Similarly, Apple phones being niche products gradually target high end customer rather than the mid range customers (Stuart 90-103). The product chosen is Taina (tea product). The brand wants to position the product on certain criteria and communicate related information to the customers in the form of pictorial representations. The detailed elaborations of these pictorial advertisement messages have been elaborated hereunder. Pictorial Description 1. The first pictorial description (refer to pictorial description 1 in the appendix), one can be state that the brand wants to position Taina tea product within the niche category. From the pictorial description, it can also be understood that the product represents itself as a necessary

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